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上传人:追风少年 2013/12/14 文件大小:0 KB




课题: 大型网吧网络规划设计
In the early een ninties rapid development of , has rapidly changed people's life and work. People are infinitely rich information resources, munications convenient way municate deeply attracted. However, at a time when many people have no ability or conditions required for the acquisition of the puter and lines, such as students, mobile population and lower e. With the development of information society, network work game e fashionable for a time, cafes this concept already fashionable whole nation The high streets and back lanes. In order to meet the needs of the crowd, cafes should the situation was born. This thesis is about the large work planning and design. In the first chapter tells about the development and prospect. Then the second chapter immediately into the theme, a detailed description of the work design. From the to cafes LAN planning, network structure, topology, working attention ( work cabling, wiring construction and testing ), to the end of the work security schemes pared in detail. And then to the third chapter, is the focus of this paper, mainly about the bar server configuration, including DNS, DHCP, WEB and FTP, NONE DISK server, including diskless server configuration is the focus of this chapter. To the end of the thesis, it is the fourth chapter briefly describes the facilities selection, including the non-disk servers, switches, routers, both PC selection.
Key words: network design, server configuration, software and hardware configuration,


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