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文档介绍:Techniques for prehension:保持平静的心态,防止心慌意乱预先浏览试题选择项,预测试题防止个别词句对全局理解的影响1. Short conversation:通过选择项判断对话类型,如(1)数字计算;(2)判断地点场所,人物关系,言谈话题,人物职业等;(3)具体事实,如行为打算等;(4)语义关系,如因果,假设等;(5)词汇结构及修辞举例:1. a. at 7:30 b. at 8:30 c. at 9:30 d. at 10 2. a. to the beach b. to a playc. to a movie theatre d. to a restaurant3. a. policeman &driver b. teacher &pupilc. policeman &thief d. director &actress4. a. an interview b. a jobc. a project d. a plan5. a. He likes to see movie. b. He has no . He had time to do so. d. He wishes to do . Passage(多为叙述文,说明文):(1)通过预览选择项大致推断听力材料的体裁及话题。利用不同体裁的行文特点,在听的过程中把握重点(如若所听材料为叙述文,则要留心五个“W”, 即who, when, what, where, why等;若所听材料为说明文,要注意说明的对象及其各个方面,并注意把握主题句);预测问题方向,听时分清主次,有的放矢。(2)对文章的整体把握。听时善于捕捉重要信息,把握材料的逻辑脉络,避免个别单词或局部未听清而对整体的影响。(3)有针对性和选择性的边听边记,用简单的文字或符号记下主要信息及细节。(4)熟练掌握某些特殊句型结构(如虚拟结构,倒装结构,强调结构等等)总之,要听好,需结合英语基本发音规则多听多练而培养起英语思维能力,再掌握基本的技巧。举例:1. a. The processing of food b. Organic foodc. Health food d. Food poison2. a. The vitamin content is . The ultimate content remains the . Vitamin is not available after . Vitamin is added to the . 培养良好的阅读习惯:(1)摒弃不良阅读习惯:逐字慢读,指读,复视,发声阅读,心语,不善猜词,边读边译等(2)养成限时阅读的习惯,提高阅读速度(3)养成用英语进行思维和反应的习惯及能力(4)扩大视域---以意群为单位阅读,例如:The department stores / would generally passtheir higher costs / on to the consumers /in the form of / higher :The promise / of finding long-term technologicalsolutions / to the problem of world food shortages/ seems difficult to fulfill. Many innovations / thatwere once heavily supported /and publicized, suchas fish-protein concentrate /and protein from algae/ grown on petroleum substrates, / have since fallenby the wayside. The proposals themselves / weretechnically feasible, / but they proved / to beeconomically unviable and/ to yield food products/ culturally eptable to their . 阅读方式:Skimming --- general ideaScanning --- specific detailsScouring --- logical order(1)根据需要选择阅读方式,调节语速(2)学会在浏览中选择重要信息:注意出现频率高的词语;善于判断短文及各段主题句(概括性强,同时不超出文章范畴);把握观点与