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文档介绍:Unit One Efficient Reading
Lesson 1
Developing Your Reading Efficiency
Graduate students are pressed for time because so
many activities demand their valuable time. One of the
best ways to handle the demands and pressures of
university life is to e more efficient—to get more
done in less time. Many students think that the only
way to e more efficient is to read faster. This is,
however, not the case. Reading efficiency means more
than saving time by reading rapidly. Reading
effectively includes understanding the ideas the writer
is trying to send anizing those ideas logically to
remember them. Your reading efficiency will increase
as you develop techniques that improve your
comprehension and retention. These in turn will enable
you to use your time most economically.
Analyzing Your Reading Efficiency
Are you an efficient reader? Here are some questions
that will help you assess your reading efficiency.
Answer Yes or No to the questions provided.
Do you set goals and time limits for yourself at the
beginning of each reading study session?
2. Do you have particular questions in mind when you
begin to read an assignment?
3. Do you try to understand the author’s ideas instead
prehending the literal meaning of each word?
4. Do you pay attention to the paragraphs and how they
5. While reading, do you try to predict or anticipate
what the writer will say next?
6. Are you on the alert to words and phrases that signal
change or continuation in thought?
7. Do you sort out more and less important details as
you read?
8. When you meet a new word, do you try to figure out
its meaning from the way it is used in the sentence?
9. Do you regularly use underlining, summary notes,
and marginal notations to identify important
10. When you finish reading an assignment, do you take
a few minutes to review what you have read and the
writer’s purpose of writing?
11. Do you find reading an easy and enjoyable task?
If you answer


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