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由于父母离异,与家里关系疏远,加上在学校受到了欺凌,年少叛逆的詹姆斯?鲍恩离开了与母亲共住的澳大利亚,回到伦敦寄住在他同父异母的姐姐家,但不久后就被赶了出来,骄傲倔强的他不愿向家人求助,落得露宿街头,还沾上了毒瘾,靠着在街头弹唱的微薄收入过着朝不保夕的生活,人生变得一塌糊涂。然后有一天,他遇上了人生的救赎――流浪猫鲍勃。有了鲍勃后,詹姆斯开始一步一步地回到正常的人生轨道。他不再依靠卖唱为生,开始自力更生,当上了《大志》(The Big Issue)的销售员,还下决心彻底戒掉毒瘾,与家人修复关系。
鲍勃是一只很有灵性,人见人爱的猫,它会跟着詹姆斯出去街头卖唱和兜售杂志。有人拍下关于它的短片传到了Youtube上,获得超高点击率,鲍勃意外地成为了很有名气的猫。后来,一家出版社得知詹姆斯和鲍勃的故事,表示愿意出版一本关于他们的书,这本书就是《遇见流浪猫鲍勃》(A Street Cat Named Bob)。这本书一经面世就俘虏了万千读者的心,高居畅销书榜首。现在,詹姆斯和鲍勃的故事依然在继续着……
It was a cold and wet autumn that year. On one particular morning, as Bob and I left the block of flats and set off for the bus stop, the sun was once more nowhere to be seen and a light, fine drizzle was falling.
Bob wasn’t a big fan of the rain, so at first I assumed it was to blame for the 1)lethargic way in which he began padding his way along the path. He seemed to be taking each step at a time, almost walking in slow motion. As I cast an eye up to the sky, a giant bank of steely, grey clouds were hovering over north London like some vast, alien spaceship. Maybe Bob was right and we should turn around, I thought for a second. But then I remembered the weekend ing and we didn’t have enough money to get through it. Beggars can’t be choosers―even if they have been cleared of all charges, I said to myself, trying to make light of the 2)predicament.
“Come on, mate, climb aboard,” I said, turning around and ushering him up into his normal position.
He 3)draped himself on my shoulder and we trudged off towards Tottenham High Road and the bus. But as we settled into our bus journey I realised there was more to his low spirits than just the weather.
The ride was normally one of his favourite parts of the day. Bob was a curious cat. No matter how often we did it, he would never tire of pressing himself against the glass. But today he wasn’t even bothered about taking the window seat. Instead he curled up on my lap. He seemed tired. Looking at his eyes he seemed a bit drowsy, as if he was half asleep.