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文档介绍:THE COOPERS HILL CHEESEROLLING FESTIVAL库珀山追逐奶酪节IntroductionFormatHistoryThe cheeseInjuriesCheese-rolling in popular cultureINTRODUCTIONThe Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling is anannual event held on the Spring BankHoliday at Cooper's Hill,near Gloucester in the Cotswolds regionof England. It is traditionally by and forthe people who live in the local villageof Brockworth , but now people from allover the world take the top of the hill a round of DoubleGloucester cheese is rolled, petitors race down the hill after it. Thefirst person over the finish line at thebottom of the hill wins the cheese. Intheory, competitors are aiming to catchthe cheese, however it has around a onesecond head start and can reach speedsup to 70 mph (112 km/h), enough toknock over and injure a information is hard e by, but the tradition is atleast 200 years old. Each yearthe event es more andmore popular with ing from all across the pete or even simply ceremony originally took placeeach Whit Monday before latertransferred to the Spring cheese The cheese currently used in the event is 7-9 lb. DoubleGloucester, a hard cheese traditionally made in a wheelshape.[10] Each is protected for the rolling by a woodencasing round the side and is decorated with ribbons at thestart of the race. Formerly, three cheeses were presentedby parishioners, and the


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