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The design of a given product plans for stamping die design. Stamping process is the choice of the available relevant information and a detailed analysis of the shape of the products on the basis of; stamping die option is considered in the economy, parts of the stamping process and plexity of many factors, and so on the basis of; Products rough start calculating the size is calculated at a convenient but does not affect mold forming on the premise familiar to simplify the model. The paper also forming part of the stamping dies and other relevant parts of the principle of choice and select the method described. Stamping parts from the design of the first stamping on the production process to be designed to cover iron of chipfor stamping process of analysis and calculation and then calculated on the basis of analysis and see stamping design information related to determine the programme stamping process, and on this basis The process of determining the relationship, and then entered the concrete structure of the die design. On this basis, all of the major parts stamping die design and size, the large number of reference during the relevant information with the press and read all kinds of "stamping Manual" and calculated to determine the specific mold of the structure and Size, by the calculation and constant changes in the careful guidance of teachers under the guidance of patient care and continuously repeated changes to draw the fina


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