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文档介绍:Modern views on Same-Sex parenting
The main idea of the article looked at how the people look upon same-sex parenting in modern society, and should they be allowed to raise children. The hypothesis of this experiment is that with the development of era, same-sex couples were widely accepted by the people, especially people who lived in western countries. Not only so, same-sex couples who raise children became a widespread phenomenon. To prove this guess, an online questionnaire and a face-to-face interview were used to collect data about this topic, and the data was divided into three parts-Chinese young adults, Chinese adults and Canadian adults. The face-to-face interview was used to collect the answers of Canadian and online questionnaire was used to collect the answers of Chinese. The data proved that participants who lived in Canada are more likely to accept homosexuals and same-sex parenthood, and they were not against same-sex couples who raised children. Meanwhile, the number of Chinese young adults w
ho accepted same-sex parenthood was also more than Chinese adults. My hypothesis was supported.
There are a lot of studies done by the scientists about homosexuality. According to the data, 10% of males in the world are homosexuals, and 6% of females in the world are homosexuals. This data also stated that bisexuals accounted for 3%. (2004)