系部名称: 经济管理系专业班级: 会计072班
学生姓名: *** 学号: 200780044215
指导教师: *** 教师职称: 副教授
Empirical Study on prehensive evaluation of pany's financial quality
The financial quality is essential not only for the survival and development but also for the government and the shareholders, as for the manager and creditor ,that is also the focal point of attention. In order to e the limitations of subjectively determining the weight of indexes in financial quality evaluation,all the method of the qualitative and quantitative,the macroscopic and microcosmic,the amount,and structure,the static and dynamic. have been adoped bining paper 12 appraisal target were seleced from the profit,the solvency,the operating capacity and the development capability, establishing a scientific prehensive appraisal target system of the financial quality of the pany. And in the empirical research,the paper introduces the Factor Analysis method and uses of the SPSS to transaction the financial ratios of 20 panies in China to get the correlation coefficient ,the characteristic value and the contribution rate,ranking prehensively evaluating the 20 panies,At ing to a the paper people can make system ,comprehensive and accurate analysis and evaluation for the financial quality of the pany.
Keywords:Financial Quality Factor Analysis Financial Evaluation Empirical Study
1 引言 1
选题研究的背景 1
选题研究的意义 1
2 上市公司财务质量综合评价的概念和意义 2
财务质量综合评价的概念 2
财务质量综合评价的意义 2
3 上市公司财务质量评价体系发展现状 5
国外上市公司财务质量评价体系 5
国内上市公司财务质量评价体系 6
国内外财务质量评价体系完善的建议 7
4 财务质