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looks heavy. Can I give you a hand?
A. Yes, my pleasure B. No, thanks C. No, never mind D. Yes, I do
2. Let’s go to _______ cinema-that’ll take your mind off the problem for _____ while.
A. the; the B. the; a C. a; the D. a; a
3. How much _______ she looked without her glasses?
A. well B. good C. best D. better
4. Could I speak to _______ is in charge of International Sales please?
A. who B. what C. whoever D. whatever
5. What do you mean, there are only ten tickets? There ________ be twelve.
A. would B. should C. will D. shall
6. His sister left home in 1998, and ________ since.
A. had not been heard of B. has not been heard of
C. had not heard of D. has not heard of
7. I tried phoning her office, but I couldn’t ________
A. get along B. get on C. get to D. get through
8. She brought with her three friends, one of _______ I had ever met before.
A. them B. who C. whom D. these
9. Edward, you play so well. But I _____ you played the piano.
A. didn’t know B. hadn’t known C. don’t know D. haven’t known
10. The children all turned ________ the famous actress as she entered the classroom.
A. to look at B. looked at C. to looking at D. look at
11. puter was used in teaching. As a result, not only _______, but students became more interested in all the lessons.
A. was teachers’ energy saved B. saved was teachers’ energy
C. teach