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Passage 1
My steamboat voyage to Albany and back has turned out rather more favorably than I had expected. The distance, from New York to Albany is 150 miles. I ran it up within 32 hours and down in 30. I had a light breeze blowing against me the whole way both going ing, and the voyage has been performed wholly by the power of the steam engine. I overtook many boats beating against the wind and parted with them as if they had been at anchor. The power of boats run by steam is now fully proved. The morning I left New York there were not, perhaps, thirty persons in the city who believed that the boat would ever move one mile per hour or be the least use.
Questions for Passage 1
Choose the best title for this passage.
SUBJECT MATTER A. The ess of the Steamboat
B. The Small Faith of Small People
C. The Effectiveness of the Steam Engine
D. A Trip to Albany
E. The Speed of the Steamboat

The author's main thought is that
GENERALIZATION A. the steamboat voyage turned out more favorably than he had expected.
B. the author's steamboat trip was essful.
C. most people doubted that the steamboat would be of the least use.
D. the voyage was performed wholly by the power of the steam engine.
E. the steamboat, unlike a sailboat, can be used essfully with the wind against it.
(a) Assuming that Poughkeepsie is midway between New York and Albany, and that Fulton's speed was constant, the leg of the author's trip from Poughkeepsie to New York must have taken
CONCLUSION A. 5 hours. B. 7 hours C. 10 hours D. 15 hours. E. 20 hours.

(b) We can conclude from this passage that
CONCLUSION A. many sailboats were at anchor when the author traveled the Hudson to Albany.
B. sailboats were having more difficulty with winds on the author's trip north than on the reverse leg of his journey.
C. no sailboat could have ever made Albany from New York in less than 32 hours.
D. sailboats were having difficulty with headwinds on


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