Residential quarters for the distribution design
学号 XX
姓名 XX
指导教师 XX
2009年 5月10日
In order to improve the reliability of power distribution system of high buildingchoice capacity of power distribution debice rightlyit is necessary tocalculate charge rightlythe author analyacs and investigatcs relative question with charge calculationexpatiates particularly capacity choice of important equipmentputs forward these measure being used to improve the reliability of power distribution systemmakes charge bination to project examplethe result shows that these means is right and reasonablethese means can guide project practice High buiding is easy suffered from lightning strokein case being suffered lightning strokeit should bring huge losinglightning protection system mon building can not protect electronic deviceon the contraryit may intoduce lifhtning therefore high buildings lightning protection is more importantThe author analyses and research these question of over voltage and of lifhtning strokeputs forward these means of lightning protescition of in high building
Keywords power distribution system load calculation synthetic lightning protectionIllumination
摘要 I
Abstract I
第一章前言 1
第二章工程概述 2
第三章电气照明设计 3
31照明系统的概述 3
com统的发展现状 3
com量单位 3
32照度方式和种类 3
com式 3
com类 4
33照度计算 5
com数法 5
com量法 6
34该小区的电气照明设计 8
com明设计的基本原则 8
com明详细设计计算 8
35 插座系统 14
com统的概述 14
com定规范 14
com 插座的安装 14
com住宅的插座系统设计 16
35 该小区标准层照明设计 17
第四章低压配电系统设计 18
41 高层建筑一般规定 18
42低压配电系统线路的选择 20
com 低压线路接线方式 20
com电缆的选择 22
43低压配电系统电气设备的选择 22
com 基本要求 22
com护 23
44配电变压器的选择 23
45小区的低压供配电系统设计 23