新体系资源配置效率的 DEA 模型,通过模型将投入产出状况进行分析,
Evaluation and Evolution of the Innovation System of
Yangtze River Delta Metropolitan Region
The Innovation System of Yangtze River Delta Metropolitan
Region is the innovation system of the Yangtze River Delta
Metropolitan Region which is centered in Shanghai, and include
Nanjing, Suzhou, Changzhou, Zhenjiang, Nantong, Yangzhou,
Taizhou of Jiangsu Province; Hangzhou, Ningbo, Huzhou, Jiaxing,
Shaoxing, Zhoushan, Taizhou of Zhejiang Province. In recent
years, it made a quiet great progress, and kept ahead of the
building and developing of the innovation system of China.
This thesis based on the theories of regional innovation
system and evaluation, which involves three main contents:
Firstly, by analyzing the current status and development of
the Innovation System of Yangtze River Delta Metropolitan Region,
from the point of view of investment and production, we
the environment layer, core layer and character layer to
construct the innovative analyzing system of Yangtze River Delta
Metropolitan Region.
Secondly, based on the innovative system development data
of Yangtze River Delta Metropolitan Region from 1996 to 2005,
using Factor Analysis method and from the point of view of
investment and production, the thesis evaluates the development
of the Innovation System of Yangtze River Delta Metropolitan
Region, and sum up the important indexes.
Finally, we standardized the result from above, and built
the DEA Model to analyze the evaluation result, then sum up the
evolution rule of the resource scheme’s efficiency of the
Innovation System of Yangtze River Delta Metropolitan Region
during the recent ten years. We appraised and analyzed the cause
of these rules, and countermeasure and suggestion are given for
future construction and de