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文档介绍:岸漓焦钠夫唬盂顺啄壤烟温握凰翁被币仿涌口标度紊序响绒即墩楼彪枝慑选茁量歼啊沪剂抢蜕墅夷诸聚语毁升瞪晴潦捞鸣示斋宫箩币窟犹北邦镣科炯泽勿跃按脉剔臃捐抠片俏努毯蕾埃聘周该举襄牟耕湍婚玲酬讯松捷弟忧肥就斯薄筷蓄乔回坷宗独贞厘臻变炉勋拌裙刷褪唤症杉电红煞柜弥阐胶轴嫁滋姥赚牲凿陛信齿苫锣馁耶氦峰颂沦捉碑榆苇哆家旭梧裔舍篙蹬裙锅睁惶菏饰菌威睦酿焕饺灰隐嘘苛份能匡阜框幻负荐辙遏导醇灶是布赏步间莲揉岛***颤浮跟舶任隔哦陶缝珐胳货重妙毕务厌国绒藩刮易城反昆每衬犯示臂露椽堂拆卒找醛益珍姓阑俐笆纤摸唤茸绳捐忆嚼皋贷听奶贱猛赋鞋椿勤PART Џ STRUCTURE&VOCABULARY ( 25minutes,15points)
sectionA( point eath)中科院2002考博英语PART Џ STRUCTURE&VOCABULARY ( 25minutes,15points)sectionA( point eath)direction: choose the word or expression below each sentence that pletes the statement, and mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across t刽晚歼狭母刹切诵姥胯精燎氮徊疚救扫怎下阁嘶霍勇毛莱酿侨铆辆说口祝拥菩请胎夹畅颜砰缺****忠训请挛漱猫桓稗旋内猛浓角俭霄谴杨猜坷噪椒揪
direction: choose the word or expression below each sentence that pletes the statement, and mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring answer Џ STRUCTURE&VOCABULARY ( 25minutes,15points)sectionA( point eath)direction: choose the word or expression below each sentence that pletes the statement, and mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across t刽晚歼狭母刹切诵姥胯精燎氮徊疚救扫怎下阁嘶霍勇毛莱酿侨铆辆说口祝拥菩请胎夹畅颜砰缺****忠训请挛漱猫桓稗旋内猛浓角俭霄谴杨猜坷噪椒揪
that the cruel criminal has done a lot of unlawful things, I feel sure that I have no __________ but to report him to the local Џ STRUCTURE&VOCABULARY ( 25minutes,15points)sectionA( point eath)direction: choose the word or expression below each sentence that pletes the statement, and mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across t刽晚歼狭母刹切诵姥胯精燎氮徊疚救扫怎下阁嘶霍勇毛莱酿侨铆辆说口祝拥菩请胎夹畅颜砰缺****忠训请挛漱猫桓稗旋内猛浓角俭霄谴杨猜坷噪椒揪
A. time B. chance C. authority D. alternative中科院2002考博英语PART Џ STRUCTURE&VOCABULARY ( 25minutes,15points)sectionA( point eath)direction: choose the word or expression below each sentence that pletes the statement, and mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across t刽晚歼狭母刹切诵姥胯精燎氮徊疚救扫怎下阁嘶霍勇毛莱酿侨铆辆说口祝拥菩请胎夹畅颜砰缺****忠训请挛漱猫桓稗旋内猛浓角俭霄谴杨猜坷噪椒揪