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文档介绍:Hydraulic System
Hydraulic presser drive and air pressure drive hydraulic fluid as the transmission is made according to the 17th century, Pascal's principle of hydrostatic pressure to drive the development of an emerging technology, the United Kingdom in 1795 • Braman Joseph (Joseph Braman ,1749-1814), in London water as a medium to form hydraulic press used in industry, the birth of the world's first hydraulic press. Media work in 1905 will be replaced by oil-water and further improved.
After the World War I (1914-1918), because of the extensive application of hydraulic transmission, especially after 1920, more rapid development. ponents in the late 19th century about the early 20th century, 20 years, only started to enter the formal phase of industrial production. 1925 Vickers (F. Vikers) the invention of the pressure balanced vane pump, ponents for the modern industrial or hydraulic transmission of the gradual establishment of the foundation. The early 20th century G • Constantimscofluctuations of the energy carried out by passing theoretical and practical research; In 1910 on the hydraulic transmission (hydraulic coupling, hydraulic torque converter, etc.) contributions, so that these two areas of development.
The Second World War (1941-1945) period, in the United States 30% of machine tool applications in the hydraulic transmission. It should be noted that the development of hydraulic transmission in Japan than Europe and the United States and other countries for nearly 20 years later. Before and after in 1955, the rapid development of Japan's hydraulic drive, set up in 1956, "Hydraulic Industry." Nearly 20 to 30 years, the development of Japan's fast hydraulic transmission, a world leader.
Hydraulic transmission There are many outstanding advantages, it is widely used, such as general industrial use of plastics processing machinery, the pressure of machinery, machine tools, etc.; operating machinery engineering machinery, construction machinery, agricultu


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