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高校教师个人所得税纳税筹划 会计专业论文.doc

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高校教师个人所得税纳税筹划 会计专业论文.doc

上传人:Alphago 2015/12/2 文件大小:0 KB


高校教师个人所得税纳税筹划 会计专业论文.doc



关键词: 高校教师个人所得税纳税筹划
Personal e Tax Planning for University Teachers
Personal e Tax Planning will be the biggest area in Tax research because of the closely relation with mon people. Both in tax revenue study and tax legal science domain, it always be the quite popular research topic, simultaneously one of the most promising industries in future tax law occupation. As the university teachers’ e level promotes unceasingly, State Administration of Taxation makes a clear statement that it will take their e as the key point for revenue surveillance. The text will design several reasonable tax planning methods according to the characteristics of university teachers’ e, to reduce the university teacher's tax revenue burden as far as possible in the reasonable legitimate limitation. The whole text is written for raising the university teachers’ tax consciousness, hoping to provide a practical handbook for personal e tax planning.
e tax planning is a kind of work full of technology. So, it pletely understanding of each tax regulations, and can not be carried on blindly. The text does research in various kinds of e tax planning methods, according to the new revise tax law carried on since 1st Jan 2006. To give the university teachers a deep imagination, the text introduces the main e of the university teachers and the tax putational methods. Then, introduces the research analysis of tax planning for university teachers. It provides several tax planning methods in view of un


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