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毕业论文: 酒精测试仪.doc

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毕业论文: 酒精测试仪.doc



Causing the traffic accident to be countless by car after drinking, bring and endanger greatly. Various countries are taking various kinds of methods to solve this problem. But has not found a very good solution finally.
The controller is what is designed because of this to drive after drinking. Before this, there are the like products have both at home and abroad, but because of the cost, dependability , the reason of helping etc. is not popularized .
It is to make its effective , reliable control drive after drinking on the basis of forefathers to originally design, and will perfect other functions. The final purpose is to make it used widely, maximum restriction and phenomenon of stopping to drive after drinking.
Designing and adopting the semiconductor alcohol sensor, its characteristic is that sensitivity is high , and steady , reliable ; The controller adopts 89C2051 one-puter, it has small , low power dissipation and having electric parators; Adopt launching and receive the wireless transmission technology separated on the design , make its equipment small , easy to use , easy to install, in addition launch the end to send the information yard , receive the end to examine and receive one yard of exactness, thus the function increasing electron locking; Come wholly to say , this design is with low costs , of simple structure, will e a tool which indispensable on the automobile with.
Keywords drive the controller after drinking alcohol sensor 89C2051
wireless transmission technology information yard
the electron lockin


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