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剑桥大学简介University of Cambridge.ppt

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剑桥大学简介University of Cambridge.ppt



文档介绍:Listening partZhangXuejiao 剑桥是音译与意译合成的地名。英文Cambridge发音“坎布里奇”,就是剑河之桥的意思。这里确有一条剑河,在市内兜了一个弧形大圈向东北流去。河上修建了许多桥梁,所以把这个城市命名为剑桥。剑桥,也称康桥(Cambridge音译名)是世界上最古老的桥。剑桥,与牛津一样,是座令人神往的传统大学城。剑桥大学城剑桥,与牛津一样,是座令人神往的传统大学城。剑桥大学在自然科学的成就尤其突出,哺育出牛顿、达尔文这样开创科学新纪元的科学大师。88位诺贝尔奖金得主出自此校(实际来此校工作或执教过的人数超过100名,但剑桥大学官方的数据是根据学生或教师是否拥有学院的Membership/Fellowship而定),这在全世界都是少有的荣光。人们怀着敬佩的心情称剑桥为“自然科学的摇篮”。剑桥是英国剑桥郡首府,剑桥大学所在地,早在两千年前,罗马人就曾在这个距伦敦约90公里的地方安营扎寨,屯兵驻军。虽然如此,在漫长的岁月里,剑桥只是个乡间集镇而已。直到剑桥大学成立后,这个城镇的名字才渐为人所知,。剑桥,虽与牛津齐名,都是世界著名学府, 但这里的气氛却与牛津不同。牛津被称作“大学中有城市”,剑桥则是“城市中有大学”。尽管这里保存了许多中世纪的建筑,但就整个剑桥的外观而言仍是明快而且现代化的。还有与城市规模不相称的众多剧场,美术馆等设施,更使得这座大学城散发出一股浓浓的文艺气息。University of Cambridge /History of Cambridge(800Anniversary) The University of Cambridge is rich in history - its famous Collegesand University buildings attract visitors from all over the the University's museums and collections also hold manytreasures which give an exciting insight into some of the scholarlyactivities, both past and present, of the University's academicsand students. The University of Cambridge is one of the world's oldestuniversities and leading academic centres, and a self-munity of scholars. Its reputation for outstanding academicachievement is known world-wide and reflects the intellectualachievement of its students, as well as the world-class originalresearch carried out by the staff of the University and the Colleges. Many of the University's customs and unusual terminology can betraced to roots in the early years of the University's long history,and this booklet looks to the past to find the origins of much thatis distinctive in the University of today. With more than 18,000 students from all walks oflife and all corners of the world, nearly 9,000 staff,31 Colleges and 150 Departments, Faculties,Schools and other institutions, no two days are everthe same at the University of Cambridge. 剑桥大学(英语:University of Cambridge),经常被简称为剑桥,是一所位于英国英格兰剑桥市的公立研究型大学,始创于1209年,亦是英语世界里第二古老的大学。剑桥大学和牛津大学经常被合称为“牛剑”,除了两所大学在文化和现实上的协作已成为英国社会史的