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液压钻机的液压系统设计 毕业(论文)设计.doc

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液压钻机的液压系统设计 毕业(论文)设计.doc

上传人:Alphago 2015/12/8 文件大小:0 KB


液压钻机的液压系统设计 毕业(论文)设计.doc



Horizontal Directional Drill pipe laying technology is currently the most widely used technique for trenchless pipe-laying can be used across the roads, rivers, buildings, obstacles such as laying pipelines, with a fast, efficient, without damaging the environment and highlight the advantages of traffic. Infrastructure construction in China today in full swing environment, have broad market prospects. At present, parison with foreign advanced level of research and development of horizontal directional drilling, drilling rig in China is still in a backward R & D levels, accelerate research and development of horizontal directional drilling has obvious social significance and economic significance.
Drilling machine hydraulic system is directly responsible for the control and transmission system, directly affect the system performance is the key technology of drilling rig. This paper describes the design of the hydraulic system of horizontal directional drilling process. First, more detailed description of the horizontal directional cobalt machine works, the performance indicators, design parameters, structure, and analyzes the various agencies working conditions and load conditions, for the next design of the hydraulic system design basis. Then the previous results of the analysis of the hydraulic system design, and a reasonable choice of ponents of each subsystem, and finally, checking the performance of the hydraulic system. This design allows the hydraulic system of the engine - hydraul


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