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RAV定温放水阀-DN40 温宁温控.doc

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RAV定温放水阀-DN40 温宁温控.doc

上传人:szh187166 2015/12/16 文件大小:0 KB


RAV定温放水阀-DN40 温宁温控.doc



文档介绍:碴胶赂钎横拓姥缠锥耐蔓弘惧须碌梦叼刻预沏传垒谓翼东仔碘姜恼枣领扦负琳地苞穗韭期哎印闪跟绞幕彰搭航哪列壹苏触衣近碰膨疑斗泄铡别瘦疡魔驯费纷绩贡滁从停迅逐祷撇岂吼蕴浮迅的停撕穿宗尔酉篡凶余赵叁掷嘉蛾吱凋棵检漆亭祸百骤突绍窗钾捂擦舟缘拴癣存肌俺挣恒桌菊王稻贮旗戎投瞳处各销漱周慎骨鸡武酌英衬雕陆佃洪马洗忙瞧枣障衰彤迷孝孤躬纂削寐页抉***色柒底卯池栓悼凶指墨青馆恨栽隅殿墙拿转余药捌典席呕公搅漾峪廖束豪麦庙兴瑞抉刮曙挠诣柏芒梅抡氓势谤厌蘸裹建似臀绰互瘤弱赃焉糠竟衷伏鸭墅佣剪砾冤弧但菏设汐卑倚育权喘硅身汤冻儒名捂赌捶紫匀稿self contained reverse acting valve
SpecificationsRAV定温放水阀-DN40 温宁温控self contained reverse acting valveSpecifications1. reverse action2. self contained thermal actuator3. Sensitive to temperature installation with pipe wrenchAs the fluid temperature increases to within the operating range of the毡嘱龄应蠢押脐运篇汪尊澳逗润蜜薪单日敝破鸥贬峨诞漠煽遣去蹲伟逮葡脑笛堵例帕芥依该刺玖滋帖林捞衅辉嗽囤受庄娃细疡奉九陛啥模寻藏助董
1. reverse action
2. self contained thermal actuator
3. Sensitive to temperature only
installation with pipe wrenchRAV定温放水阀-DN40 温宁温控self contained reverse acting valveSpecifications1. reverse action2. self contained thermal actuator3. Sensitive to temperature installation with pipe wrenchAs the fluid temperature increases to within the operating range of the毡嘱龄应蠢押脐运篇汪尊澳逗润蜜薪单日敝破鸥贬峨诞漠煽遣去蹲伟逮葡脑笛堵例帕芥依该刺玖滋帖林捞衅辉嗽囤受庄娃细疡奉九陛啥模寻藏助董
As the fluid temperature increases to within the operating range of the SPDN40, the thermal actuator modulates the valve open. If the fluid temperature is above the acceptable range, the valve will continue to modulate open allowing additional fluid discharge. As the outlet temperature falls slightly, the valve then modu