Lesson 8
Sympathy & Comfort
He works hard, but he'll never set the Thames on fire.
徽琳栗锭呜准饲绑疵戈尹莆棠肃罗诗耘获咨渔虐仰睹蝉裤聊药妇苞眩肝谦Lesson 8Lesson 8
Useful Expression
1. I am very sorry to hear that. 听到这些我很难过。
2. That’s a pity / too bad. 太可惜了/ 太难受了。
3. It must be tough for you. 那你肯定很难受吧。
4. Oh, poor thing! 哦,太惨了!
5. I know how you feel. 我了解你的感受。
6. What a shame. 太遗憾了。
7. How sad. 太让人伤心了。
8. I’m sorry about your misfortune. 你真够倒霉的。
壕胚专默田陵级尺夸泰凝倚枫惋盼衷乐扛狮渗建譬迷殷圆傣桂导粒眉结嵌Lesson 8Lesson 8
Useful Expression
1. Don’t worry. 别担心。
2. Don’t be afraid. 别害怕。
3. It’ll be ok / all right. 行,没问题。
4. It’s all right. 没问题。
5. Well done! 干得不错!
6. You can do it! 你肯定行的!
7. Come on. 别灰心。
8. That’s better, keep trying. 有长进,继续努力。
泽拷诞余绿光缔铰茧昏富诡伏窑闰纽其坠珠畏需郧研堵韧倘凤虞芍疮或操Lesson 8Lesson 8
A: What happened to you yesterday? 
B: Oh I fell over on the way to work. 
A: Oh poor thing!So that’s why you didn’e in? 
B: Yes and I broke my phone too so I couldn’t call you. 
A: Oh dear, that sounds terrible. 
B: It was! But the worst thing was I tore my best