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从首例“恋爱禁止令”分析中国刑法的人性化趋势 法学毕业论文.doc

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从首例“恋爱禁止令”分析中国刑法的人性化趋势 法学毕业论文.doc

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从首例“恋爱禁止令”分析中国刑法的人性化趋势 法学毕业论文.doc



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[摘要] 2011年2月25日第十一届全国人大常委会第19次会议通过了《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(八)》(以下简称《刑法修正案(八)》)。本文以实现刑罚轻缓、推动人权保障为视角,并引用江苏省苏州市金阊区人民法院的首例“禁止令”判决深入分析新修正案。通过分析可得出新修正案的努力方向主要在一下几个方面:死刑改革、完善未成年人、老年人从宽处理规定、完善非监禁刑。此次刑法修正是我国立法机关自1997年刑法颁行以来第一次减少法定刑带有死刑的犯罪,真正意义上实现人性化的发展趋势。虽然新修正案在轻刑、从宽量刑情节中的有关规定还存在着种种不足;诸如对未成年人、老年人人权保障的种种规定也未尽完善等等,但作为人权事业进展的一项硕果,《刑法修正案(八)》在彰显人权价值方面的意义重大,因此成为迄今最好也最有影响的刑法修正案。
The analysis of the trend of human nature for the China's criminal law from the first “Love injunctive”
Abstract:February 25, 2011, the 19th meeting of the 11th mittee of the National People's Congress adopted the "Amendment to the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China (8)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Criminal Law Amendment (8)"). Penalty Reprieve, promote the protection of human rights perspective and reference Jinchang District, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province People's Court in the first case the injunction decision-depth analysis of the new amendment. The analysis can be drawn from the direction of the new amendment mainly in the following aspects: the death penalty reform, improve the minors, the elderly leniency provisions to improve the non-custodial sentence. The Criminal Law Amendment is our legislature for the first time since the Criminal Law enacted in 1997 to reduce the punishment to crime with the death penalty, the true sense of the humane trends. New amendment in the light punishment, the relevant provisions of leniency in the punishment fits the crime, there are various deficiencies; such as minors, all the provisions for the protection of human rights for the elderly also inadequate and so on, but as one of the cause of human rights progress fruit, "Criminal Law Amendment (8)" highlight the values ​​of human rights, the meaning of material, thus