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文档介绍:Clinical Study on Maintaining The Lipid Level Reached The
Standard In Patients With CHD With Xue Zhi Kang Capsule

Speciality: Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Author: Liu Jin Bo
Tutor: Pro. Su Wen Ge


Objective: To investigate the clinical effect of maintaining the lipid level reached the
standard in patients with CHD and Hyperlipidemia with xue zhi kang provide a
reference for treatment of this explore the advantages and feasibility of
treatment of this dissease with xue zhi kang capsule and western medicine treating
idiopathic nephrotic syndrome and lay the foundation for further improvement.
Methods: Method 60 Cases of premature beat of CHD and Hyperlipidemia ( the lipid
level reached the standard after treatment ),and divided into xuezhikang group(20 cases) ,
simvastatin group(20 cases) and control group(20 cases). At the Premise of continueing the
basic treatment of CHD. After a period of drug-eluting(two weeks),Be treated with
xuezhikang capsule , simvastatin tablets and control for 2,4 and 6 weeks,then to observe
the curative effect.
Result: Basic treatment of CHD plus Xuezhikang capsule antianginal effect is more
obvious (P<).The result of maintaining the lipid level reached the standard,The basis
of treatment groups after 2 weeks discontinuing lipid-lowering drug,blood lipid levels can
be maintained normal (P> ),but Lipid-lowering drugs are discontinued after 4
weeks,lipid levels is no longer standard(P<),and Increased antimissily. Xuezhikang
oral maintenance dose can maintain the stability of blood lipid levels (P > ),
Xuezhikang maintenance dose and low dose simvastatin can maintain stability of the
standard lipids level (TC,LDL-C,HDL-C) (P> ),and Xuezhikang reduce TG more
effective (P <) .
Conclusion: Oraling maintenance dose of xuezhikang capsule can maintain the lipid
level reached the standard steadilyand refues


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