文档介绍:Well, technically 严格的说  
do-gooder 烂好人 
hilarious 好笑   
deep end 失去理智
No more moping about life’s little failures, and no more dabbling in the dark arts of boyfriends past. This is fresh start.
I’m happen to love fresh starts.
No one likes a bragger,
Hey, do you mind if I share?
This is our purge, our cleanse, 这是我们洗净内心的过程
This is where we rid ourselves from the baggage better known as our tragic and mortifying first
I’ll drink to
Clean sweep. 清干净了
Come be bitter with me. 来和我跳支舞
Sounds like a winter 就它了
You entice the guy into the bank. 诱骗
Append away. 随便你加
Run for the seat 竞争这个职位
We just getting our marriage back on