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文档介绍:Interoffice Routine Letters第十四讲推荐函 Letter of mendation办公室日常信函Unit 8 Interoffice Routine Letter of mendation IntroductionLetters of mendation are part of positive is written in the following cases:?to nominate people for awards and for membership anizations;?to be written by employers to appraise the performance of employee, called solicited (requested) mendations;?to be solicited by potential employers anizations, called unsolicited letters of mendation;?an unsolicited letter is headed by "To Prospective Employer" or "To Whom It May Concern";? to be written at the request of a candidate who takes a course home and abroad or hunts a 8 Interoffice Routine Letter of mendation IntroductionA letter of mendation, like a letter of introduction, stresses the authenticity and sincerity in providing the information about the person information in a letter of mendation is focused on work experience, personality, work capability municational skills of the person in is advisable to supply a few examples to illustrate your mendation of the above-mentioned aspects of a person mended. Unit 8 Interoffice Routine Letter of mendation IntroductionWriting Principles for Letter of mendation:(1) Use one or two statements to establish the subject.(2) Provide only job-related information: a person's qualities, emphasizing the strong points of the person on his capability, personality, potential, or other outstanding features.(3) Stress the facts. If necessary, provide some of examples to illustrate your mendations.(4) Summarize by giving a ment or offer a forward-looking thought at the end of the letter if it is 8 Interoffice Routine Letter of mendation Introduction Favorable Letter of mendation:It is a pleasure to write a letter of mendation for an outstanding person who does well in almost every respect. You can introduce his or her w


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