文档介绍:I摘要从《红帆船》、《寡妇船》到《城与市》、《梦与诗》、《蓝雨徘徊》、《梦中情人》、《墙上鱼耳朵》再到《欲望玫瑰》、《词语诗学》、《现代小说技巧讲堂》、《先锋小说技巧讲堂》,一个个“由无数碎片融合起来的文本”接次出炉,竞相涌入我们的视线,袭击我们的眼睛,经过编码,再进入大脑,与个人阅读经验、生活体验、记忆、回忆、想象相互冲撞、融合,最后进入一个碎片化、含混、无限开放、错乱的世界。这个世界里有无数语言碎片、人物碎片、文体碎片、结构碎片、情节碎片等,还有大量的依赖于作家隐在于文本的技巧碎片和还有行、神、韵一体的永恒的孤独与忧郁情结碎片。这些文本从形式到结构,从整体到细节,均呈现出碎片美、含混美、错乱美的特质,在不断的建构与解构之下,在理论与实验的基础之上,完成了融合的碎片美与结构美。词语碎片、人物碎片、形式碎片(结构碎片)、文体碎片、技巧碎片(意识流、互文性、元叙述)、情节碎片、情结碎片在刘恪这里充分的碰撞和融合,作者也在这里尽其力而做一些碎片式的评论。关键词: 碎片美,结构美,理论,实践IIIAbstract From《 Red sailing 》,《 widow ship》to 《city and city 》,《dream and poems》,《blue rain wandering 》,《lover in the dream》,《ears of fish on the wall 》then to 《desire rose》、《words poetics》,《modern novels skills Hall 》,《pioneer novels skills Hall》, one by one "texts of fusion by numerous debris " have been published, appearing in our sight, attacking our eyes, after coding, then entered brain, connected with personal reading experience, life experience ,memories and imagine, collision,and fusion, last entered the word of debris ,fudge,unlimited opening and disorder .This world has numerous fragments about language, style, story ,plex, and also a large number of fragments depending on the skill of the writer, hiding in the text and fragments of eternal solitude and plex .These texts all show characteristics of beauty of debris from the form to structure, from overall to details, complete the beauty of a fusion of debris and structures under constantly construction and deconstruction under the basis of theoretical and experimental. Fragments about words,characters , the form (structure fragments)、style、skill (stream of consciousness、intertextuality and meta description)collide promise fully each other in Liu Ke ,and the author also do her best to make some debris-ments . KEY WORDS: Beauty of debris, beauty of structure , theory, practice 引言1引言刘恪是一位理论探索者,同时也是一位作家,集文学理论创作与小说实践于一身。刘恪在理论指导下进行小说实践,理论与实践相互融合,相互导发,相辅相成。刘恪本人也具有多重身份,先后当过教师、记者、副教授、文学丛刊主编等。现也为河南大学文学院教授,中国作家协会会员。刘恪自1983年开始文学创作以来,已发表小说与理论专著六百余万字,驻渝澳