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文档介绍:THE PANIONTO HERMENEUTICSHermeneutics is a major theoretical and practical form of intellectual inquiry, centralnot only to philosophy but many other disciplines in the humanities and social sci-ences. With phenomenology and existentialism, it was also one of the twentiethcentury’s most important philosophical movements and included major thinkerssuch as Heidegger, Gadamer and panion to Hermeneuticsis an outstanding guide and referencesource to the key philosophers, topics and themes of this exciting subject and is the?rst volume of its kind. Comprising over?fty chapters by a team of internationalcontributors, panionis divided into?ve parts:?main?gures in the hermeneutical tradition movement, including Heidegger,Gadamer and Ricoeur;?main topics in hermeneutics such as language, truth, relativism and history;?the engagement of hermeneutics with central disciplines such as literature, reli-gion, race and gender, and art;?hermeneutics and world philosophies including Asian, Islamic and Judaic thought;?hermeneutic challenges and debates, such as critical theory, structuralism ?Malpasis Distinguished Professor at the University of Tasmania, Australia andVisiting Distinguished Professor at LaTrobe University, Melbourne, -Helmuth Ganderis Professor of Philosophy at Albert-Ludwigs-Universit?tFreiburg, GermanyROUTLEDGE PANIONSRoutledge panionso?er thorough, high quality surveys and assessmentsof the major topics and periods in philosophy. Covering key problems, themes andthinkers, all entries are missioned for each volume and written byleading scholars in the?eld. Clear, accessible and carefully edited anised,Routledge panionsare indispensable for ing to a majortopic or period in philosophy, as well as for the more advanced panion to Aesthetics, Third EditionEdited by Berys Gaut and Dominic LopesThe panion to Philosophy of Science, Second EditionEdited by Martin Curd and Stathis PsillosThe panion to Philosophy of Relig


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