文档介绍:第24课除了山本以外,大家都去Lesson24 Except Yamamoto, everyone else will go 课文Texts(一)除了山本以外,大家都去?同学们都去看了什么表演?山本去了没有?为什么??说说你对京剧的了解。看图思考Look and think?Peking Opera has a 200-year-long history. Its main melodies originated from Xipi and Erhuang in Anhui and is believed that Peking Opera gradually came into being after 1790 when the famous four Anhui opera troupes came to Beijing. Peking Opera underwent fast development during the reign of Emperor Qianlong and the notorious Empress Dowager Cixi under the imperial patron, eventually ing more accessible to mon ancient times, Peking Opera was performed mostly on stage in the open air, teahouses or temple courtyards. Since the orchestra played loudly, the performers developed a piercing style of song that could be heard by everyone. The costumes were a garish collection of sharply contrasting colors to stand out on the dim stage illuminated only by oil lamps. Peking Opera is a bination of the Grand Opera, ballet and acrobatics, consisting of dance, dialogue, monologues, martial arts and Peking Opera band mainly consists of an orchestra and percussion band. The former frequently panies peaceful scenes while the latter provides the right atmosphere for battle scenes. monly used percussion instruments include s, drums, bells and cymbals. One person usually plays the s and drum simultaneously, which conduct the entire band. The orchestral instruments include the Erhu, Huqin, Yueqin, Sheng (reed pipe), Pipa(lute) and other instruments. The band usually sits on the left side of the stage. 贵妃醉酒贵妃醉酒生词New words除了……以外重传统精彩演出传统艺术脸谱服装知识武打特点外语说明书演唱欣赏说明The structure “除了……以外……”这个句型可以表示两种意思:(The structure may denote two meanings)1. “除了A以外,B都……”,表示排除特殊,强调一般。例如:除了这颗青苹果以外,图中别的苹果都是红色的。2.“除了A以外,还B……”和“除了A以外,B也……”表示排除已知,补充其他。例如:除了这些红苹果以外,我还买了一个青苹果。除了这些红苹果以外,我也买了一个青苹果。口语中,可以省略“以外”。张老师在和大卫、安妮聊天儿……Ms. Zhang is chatting with David and Annie…老师:大卫,明天的京剧演出,咱们班同学都去看吗?大卫:除了山本以外,大家都去。老师:山本怎么了?大卫:山本得了重感冒,去不了了。安妮:京剧是中国传统艺术的代表,山本不能去