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中等职业学校国家助学金申请表 Title.ppt

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中等职业学校国家助学金申请表 Title.ppt



文档介绍:“Hot topics” SeminarPortsmouth Business School21 June 2006Strategy: where do you start to improve pany?Professor Michael KayeEmeritus Professor of Operations and Quality ManagementUniversity of Portsmouth?mmkaye June 2006 () 2Overview of presentation?Customer value petitiveness: latest research findings?Customer Value Management as petitive strategy?Transforming anisation using “Lean Methods”?essful implementation of a Customer Value Strategy?mmkaye June 2006 () 3The Evolution of QualitySTRATEGICQUALITY MANAGEMENTQUALITY ASSURANCEQUALITYCONTROLINSPECTION1900 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 PETITIVESQM?mmkaye June 2006 () 4Evolution of qualityStrategic alliances with customers to petitivenessBuild up customer mitmentBuild up customer confidencePromotional follow-upRelationship management on-goingContinuous supportPrompt after salesService (after sales)Predicting customer needsMatching customer’s strategic milestones5 star response to repeat ordersDelivery and dependabilityStrategic partnerships enhance responsiveness and optimise resourcesLife-time costs/economic access to new technologyPerformance/operational costsProductivityReputation as role model for best practice in anticipating customer needs accuratelyRight every time “ahead of the best”Right first time “to be the best”ReliabilityBuilding in the voice of the customerIntegrated application of technologiesFitness for petitive Quality emphasis in 21stcenturyStrategic Quality emphasis in 1990’sQuality emphasis in 1980’sCompetitive mixCustomer ValueManagement Strategy?mmkaye June 2006 () 5Latest research findingsinto customer petitiveness?mmkaye June 2006 () 6Organisations involved in the research?70+ organisations ?Cross-section anisations operating in public, private and voluntary sectors (including manufacturing, service, defence, health, criminal justice, high-technology, central and loca


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