文档介绍:Operating highway toll Pricing ModelA Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of MasterCandidate:Liu HongjuanSupervisor: JianweiChang’anUniversity, Xi’an, ChinaI摘要自1984年以来,我国的公路基础设施进入到快速发展的阶段,高速公路具有准公共物品的特性,并且它所需要的建设周期较长、资金数额较大,政府的财政不具有完全支付建设和管理费用的能力,因此我国推出高速路收费制度。但目前我国高速公路的收费标准过于简单化,不具有系统性,也不能实时反应高速公路的收费状况,与现实情况存在一定差距,要么过高,为投资者带来超额利润,要么偏低,经营亏损。为了防止收费问题的进一步加剧,有必要对现有的收费标准进行规范。本文通过对各种高速公路定价方法进行比较研究,提出目前高速公路定价的弊端和不足;同时参考多国高速公路的经营情况与我国进行比较,总结经验。分析研究我国高速公路的特点,找出适合我国高速公路的定价方法。本文在原有成本定价方法的基础上,最终提出基于车流量的定价模型,根据本文提出的模型,对其中的影响因素和主要参数进行了具体的描述,而本文认为车流量不是固定不变的,因此对车流量的发展趋势进行了预测,得到最终加权平均后的交通量。最后本文尝试将风险因素和消费者的极差效益与定价模型相结合,对原有模型进行修正,使收费标准更能贴合实际情况,更具有适用性。本文以重庆地区的高速公路为原型,预测了高速公路的交通量,进行了定价方法的应用分析。本文采用基于车流量的定价模型,比现行定价标准更具灵活,更能运用动态的方式体现高速公路的经营状况,采用阶段定价的方法,根据高速公路不同时期的车流量变化,对定价进行合理水平的调整,既保障投资方合理利润又不增加社会负担。关键字:高速公路经营性收费车流量定价模型IIAbstractSince 1984, China's road infrastructure into the stage of rapid development, the highway has the characteristics of quasi-public goods, and it needs a longer construction period, the amount of funds, the Government's finances do not have enough to cover construction andthe ability to manage costs, so our country highway toll , our highway toll standard is too simplistic, does not have a systematic, cannot be real-time reaction to the charge status of the highway, there is a certain gap with reality, or too high, excess profits for investors, or low,operating order to prevent further escalation of charges, it is necessary to regulate the existing this article, through a comparative study of various highway pricing method, puts forward the disadvantages of current highway pricing and insufficient;At the same time refer to multinational management situation comparing with our country highway, sum up experience. Analysis and study the characteristics of highway in China, find out the suitable for our country highway pricing