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文档介绍:I摘要教育是一个国家的人才基础工程,也是涉及千家万户的重要民生公益事业。“建国君民,教学为先”,教育对人的发展及社会的发展有极其重要的推动作用。学前教育是基础教育的基础,是国民教育体系的重要组成部分。学前教育作为教育事业的始基所在,承载着举足轻重的奠基作用,而其发展的公平与否极大地影响着整个学前教育的整体情况和水平。当前,我国幼儿教育公平现状不容乐观,“入园难,入园贵”的问题仍然很严重。针对幼儿教育公平,最迫切需要解决的是教育资源公平分配的问题。如何能达到教育资源的公平分配,让所有幼儿都能有园可入,有学可上,众多学者对美国的教育券政策颇多青睐。美国教育券的根本思想是通过发给学生教育券助其自由选择学校以追求教育公平,并由其引发学校间竞争最终实现改善教育质量的目的。本文即是在思考我国学前教育公平问题所面临的困境之基础上,以美国教育券在幼儿教育领域中的运用为研究对象而做的梳理归纳。本文内容主要包括三部分:第一部分着重阐述选题的理论和实践意义、梳理国内外已有研究文献、界定基本概念以及选定研究方法;第二部分主要论述美国教育券政策推行的理论基础、背景及实践情况,以美国教育券政策为研究对象,梳理20 世纪80 年代以来美国教育券政策的发展历程,在评述美国主要幼儿教育券实践案例的基础上,对其政策成效、政策执行面临的问题及原因进行分析;本文第三部分以参考美国幼儿教育券的实践经验为基础,结合我国部分地区的幼儿教育券政策实践,总结适合我国国情的、具有本土化特色幼儿教育券政策的制定原则及实施建议,以推进我国幼儿教育公平公正,使我国幼儿教育事业更快更好发展。本研究得出结论,幼儿教育券在一定程度上可以有效地促进幼儿教育公平和效率的提升,值得在我国运用和推广。关键词:美国教育券;幼儿教育;启示 IIAbstract Education is a foundational project of cultivating talents for a country, and is also a significant public welfare undertaking involving thousands of peoples’ livelihoods. “To establish a state and control the people, to educate first ", education plays an extremely important role in promoting the developments of both people and society. Preschool education is the basis of elementary education and is the ponent of the national education system. As the original basis of elementary education, preschool education bears a pivotal role in the foundation; meanwhile, its fairness of development greatly affects preschool education's overall situation and level. Currently, education fairness in preschool education is not optimistic, the problems of difficult admission and high expense are still very serious. For early childhood education fairness, the most urgent need to address is the problem of impartial distribution of education resources. How to achieve it and help all children have a kindergarten can be in, and have knowledge can be learnt? Most scholars quite favor American school voucher policy. The fundamental thought of American school voucher is to assist students to choose school and pursue the education fairness through