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上传人:陈晓翠 2011/10/25 文件大小:0 KB




文档介绍:A total of
、XX、XX共同共有 , XX, XX tenant mon
3. The state / private
4. Residential
6. The right person
7. Premises located
8. Agrarian situation
9. Ownership of properties
10. Uses
11. To No.
12. Drawing No.
13. Land Level
14. Lifespan
15. Usable area
16. A total area of
17. Exclusive use area
18. Sharing Area
19. Which share an area of
20. Housing status
21. Proprietary nature of the
22. Construction area
23. Building Number
24. Building No.
25. Room number or location
26. Types
27. New Workshops
28. Structure
29. Reinforced Concrete
30. Storeys
31. Completion Date
:平方米 32. Area Unit: square meters
33. Real estate other rights Summary
34. The right kind
35. Purchase the stock of housing mortgage
36. Other rights that number
37. The right to the value of
38. Surviving Date
39. Excursus Information
Real Estate Registry
丘号 Land No.
地号 Plot No.
产别 Category of Property
幢号 Building No.
房号 Room No.
共有人 Co-Possessed by
共有权证 Certificate of Right-mon
权利人 Obligee
宗地图 Plot Plan


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