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文档介绍:?句号:用来分割句子。?逗号:两个逗号之间或一个逗号之后,是一个补充说明成分,可以先不看。句子中的标点符号的作用句子中的标点符号的作用?冒号:冒号前后是从抽象到具体的过程,后面进一步具体说明前面的内容。?She came to hate the endless chores that swallowed her time: washing dishes, making beds, scrubbing floors.?冒号可以表示各种逻辑上的关系,如:?I went to bed early: the long journey had tired me. (表示因果)?Columbus discovered a string of islands: he did not discover the American Continent.(表示反意)句子中的标点符号的作用句子中的标点符号的作用?分号:分号前后是并列关系。包括结构上并列和语义上并列两种。?Sixty years ago Melville was almost forgotten; today he is regarded as one of American’s great authors. ?Professor Ye will have to cope with a very heavy workload; she has been invited to lecture at quite a number of universities in the . ?One moment he was friendly, even warm; the next he was coldly indifferent. 句子中的标点符号的作用句子中的标点符号的作用?破折号:两个破折号之间或一个破折号之后,是补充说明成分,可以先不看。?es every week—on Tuesdays—to help with the laundry. (作用与括号相似)?They gave him a new camera for Christmas—and a film to go with it. (表示附加补充)?He bought a house just outside the town—a magnificent building. (解释前文)?In future prose, two fields are certainly sure to find cultivation—the field of the essay and the field of the sketch. (相当于冒号的作用)句子中的标点符号的作用句子中的标点符号的作用?引号:一种是引用别人观点,其作用要么是作为支持的观点,要么作为批判的对象;另一种是说反话,表示反语。句子中的标点符号的作用句子中的标点符号的作用?括号:括号内的内容起补充说明或解释词义的作用。?The day before one of my midterm history exams I still hadn’t found time to read the first book on the reading list. (That, of course, is a mon disease at Harvard.)(附加,补充)?1). 长难句包括简单句和复合句,复合句的每一个句子的核心部分是主语和谓语,而每一个复合句的核心是主句。认识复合句首先要把握好从句间的关系,而表现这些关系要依靠连接词that, although, so that, before等具有语法功能的词。常见的长难句种的基本语法结构:⑴形式主语或宾语⑵强调结构⑶非限定性定语从句⑷同位语从句⑸倒装结构⑹虚拟语气If you were/e here yesterday, you would have seen that famous 、态度和观点。⑺?2). 具体分为如下4步:?第一步、确定句子有几个洋葱(一个完整的句子为一个洋葱,有时一个句号却有好几个完整的句子)。?第二步、给句子剥皮。每构成一个独立的语法就构成一成皮。?第三步、把每层皮翻译成中文?第四步、把很多简单的中文句子组合成中文长句(三四步为翻译步骤)长难句解析方法长难句解析方法?She,who is her mother‘s daughter,is a girl of beaut