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文档介绍:Classified Index: CODE: 10075 .: NO: 20090184 A Dissertation for the Degree of law Research on anizations to ans Guilty Candidate: Feng feng Supervisor: Qing hua Academic Degree Applied for: Master of LawsSpecialty: Criminal Law University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination: May, 2012 摘要I摘要交通肇事罪本身的特殊性导致了自首制度对其适用与认定存在肯定与否定的争论,但在我国绝大多数地区的实务审判中,更倾向于对交通肇事罪自首的宽松适用。行为人交通肇事后立即报警、抢救伤者等候处理,并如实供述罪行的,应当认定为交通肇事罪自首行为;交通肇事后逃逸,行为人又回到有关部门自动投案,如实供述自己所犯罪行的,仍然构成交通肇事罪自首,但应当在交通肇事逃逸的法定刑幅度内予以量刑。作为过失犯罪的交通肇事罪,仍然具有适用自首制度的空间,属于适用自首的罪名。交通肇事罪适用自首,有利于最限度的保护伤者的生命和财产,有利于体现我国宽严相济的刑事政策,有利于维护社会的和谐、稳定。交通肇事罪的规定范围过于庞杂,其内容包含的情况过于广泛,成为我国刑事法律领域的新“口袋罪”,给自首的认定与适用造成了诸多障碍,应当分解交通肇事罪,根据不同情况设置若干相关罪名,交通肇事罪在司法适用上应当统一证据规则,为肇事者设立诉讼对抗性保障措施及相关救济程序,从而使交通肇事罪及其自首的认定与适用更加科学合理规范。关键词交通肇事罪自首制度Abstract IIAbstractThe particularity of the traffic accident crime itself led to the voluntary surrender of their application and determine the existence of affirmation and negation of the argument, but the vast majority of our areas of practice trial, but also tend to loose applicable surrendered to the Crime of The behavior of a traffic accident call the police to rescue the injured waiting to be processed, and a true account of an offense, it shall be deemed surrendered for the Crime of behavior; Traffic Casualties behavior back to the relevant departments of the voluntary surrender of a true account of their mitted still constitute the Crime of surrender, but they should be a legal sentence within the range of Traffic Accident sentencing. Traffic crime as a crime of negligence, still applies to the voluntary surrender of the space charges are applicable surrendered. Traffic crime for surrendered, most limits of the protection of the injured person's life and property, to reflect the criminal policies of my temper justice with mercy, and help maintain social harmony, stability. The scope of the provisions of the Crime of too numerous, too wide, its contents contains a new


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