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文档介绍:DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF HIGH-POWER LIGHT GATHERING PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER STATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM A Dissertation submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION from Shandong University of Science and Technology by Wang Shihao Supervisor: Professor Peng Yanjun Vice supervisor:Professor Yang Shuhua College of Information Science and Engineering June 2012 声明本人呈交给山东科技大学的这篇工程硕士学位论文,除了所列参考文献和世所公认的文献外,全部是本人在导师指导下的研究成果。该论文资料尚没有呈交于其它任何学术机关作鉴定。工程硕士生签名:日期:AFFIRMATION I declare that this dissertation, submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Master of Project in Shandong University of Science and Technology, is wholly my own work unless referenced of acknowledge. The document has not been submitted for qualification at any other academic institute. Signature: Date: 山东科技大学硕士学位论文摘要摘要高倍聚光太阳能发电站是一个技术水平高、涉及学科多、带动作用强的综合产业。在这个产业链上,包括了研制系统所需要的钢材、玻璃、塑胶材料等产业,与聚光器、跟踪器所密切相关的精密仪器加工和自动控制等产业,与高效太阳能电池相关的关键设备制造和器件制造等产业,还有相关的逆变器和控制器等产业。因此,通过发展高倍聚光太阳能发电站,能够带动相关产业的迅速发展,提高相关产业的整体研发水平,同时创造更多的就业岗位。高倍聚光太阳能发电站的发展步伐会越来越快,因此对电站的管理也要求越来越严格。这就需要研发出电站管理系统来对电站的设备进行统一管理。在系统的设计方面,本系统基于B/S结构,开发工具,使用javascript技术设计动态页面,选用SqlServer来实现数据的存储,研发了高倍聚光光伏电站管理系统,实现了发电数据管理、跟踪数据管理、视频监控管理、报警信息管理、报表导出、用户权限、远程控制和后台管理等功能。通过本系统可以提高电站管理效率,更快判断和分析电站故障原因,同时减少了管理员定期抄写数据带来的工作压力及数据的不及时性。关键词:高倍聚光光伏电站管理,JavaScript,数据库,C#编程语言山东科技大学硕士学位论文摘要ABSTRACT The high concentrating solar power station is a Integrated industry which relate to many subjects and play a leading role, it is also in a high technical level. In this industry chain, including many industries such as steel, glass, plastic materials, the precision instrument processing and automatic control industry, the key equipment of high efficiency solar cells manufacturing and device manufacturing industries, as well as inverter and controller industries. Therefore, the development of high concentrating solar power station can promote the development of relevant industries and improve the overal