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文档介绍:Chapter 4 States of ConsciousnessYonghui Wang School of Psychology Shaanxi Normal University -11-122Chapter 4 States of ConsciousnessOur goals:?Describe the stage of sleep and dreaming. ?Explain why REM sleep is also called paradoxical sleep. ?Explain the theories of the nature and content of dreams. ?Describe meditation and hypnosis. ?Identify two conditions that can determine the effects of drugs. ?List two negative effect of each of the following drugs: alcohol, marijuana, amphetamines, barbiturates, the opiates, cocaine, and the hallucinogens. 2016-11-123Chapter 4 Outline ?What is conscious??What cycles occur in everyday consciousness??What other forms can consciousness take??The Conscious and Nonconscious?Sleep?Dreams?Hypnosis and Meditation (催眠和冥想)?Drug Use2016-11-124The conscious and Nonconscious意识和无意识?Consciousness The process by which the brain creates a model of internal and external experience.?Nonconscious processes Any brain process that does not involve conscious processing.?Preconscious memories(前意识)?Not in consciousness currently but can be recalled?Unconscious(潜意识)?Classic Freudian theory?Modern cognitive psychologists 2016-11-125Unconscious?In classic Freudian theory, a part of the mind that houses memories, desires, and feelings that would be threatening if brought to consciousness. ?Many modern cognitive psychologists view the unconscious in less sinister terms, merely as a collection of mental processes that operate outside of awareness—but not typically suppressing information or working at odds with consciousness2016-11-126The stage of sleep?Stage 1?Relatively rapid, low-amplitude brain?Stage 2?Slower, more regular wave pattern, sleep spindles.?Stage 3?Slower, higher peaks and lower valleys?Stage 4?Even slower, more regular, least responsive to outside stimulation ?REM sleep ( Rapid Eye Movement)(快速眼动)2016-11-1272016-11-128Hours of sleep2016-11-129Feature of sleep?The 90-minute