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上传人:豆芽 2014/3/2 文件大小:0 KB




认真在规定时间内写一篇,然后认真对一下答案,找一下人家的亮点,找回一点感觉就行啦。自己没空写的话,就对着题目构思一下,再对一下答案,看范文怎么写的也行,这样可以尽量多的看一些——power by cai yingmei 英语作文怎么写英语写作向来是难题,原因在于东西方对于写作的态度迥异,西方的大量阅读+反复修改essay的做法,在中国是行不通的,因为国内的考试更加强调的不是怎么挖掘或者检验孩子们的兴趣,思想,和创意;国内考试题目的设计是为了“convenience”,为了阅卷方便。所以国内的写作基本上语法不出错,不漏点,分数低不了。思想,复杂的句式,更精确的单词,统统不要。稳定第一,平庸第一。下面是我多年前替一个学生改过的一篇征文,现在看看,如果时间充裕,还能改的更好点,但是为了尊重历史,录此存照,将来想看也可以回来,随时。红色的是我改的部分,大家可以看出来,里面用了很多新概念的句型。新概念浑身都是宝.... Viva La France If you are tired of France, you are tired of life. ---- Oscar Cities with romantic atmosphere, beaches as well as ski resorts adored worldwide, and tranquil rural regions enjoyed by many. These are all the best that life can offer and you can find them all in France. The tourist attractions linked by serpentine Seine River are a veritable feast for your eyes. Walking along the river, you can ascend the magnificent Eiffel Tower to overlook the beautiful scenery of Paris; you can tour the Notre Dame de Paris to savor the beauty of Gothic architecture; you can marvel at the sight of the Arch of Triumph, the monumental archway, to share the same happiness when the French used to celebrate their victory in war. Besides these, you can feel pleasant breeze in your hair while setting foot on golden soft sand beach at Cote d'Azur, one of the most famous scenic areas in the world. For those who love flowers, the sight and smell of the sea of lavenders in Proven