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文档介绍:I摘要二十世纪八九十年代,各种文学思潮纷纷涌入中国。虹影作为在这个时期成长起来的作家,她的创作深受外国文学的影响。日本作家三岛由纪夫在虹影的阅读史上占有重要地位。三岛由纪夫的同性恋题材的创作对虹影早期小说的影响是明显存在的。虹影与三岛由纪夫在题材选择、小说体裁、创作风格和美学追求上都有相似之处,也有各自的艺术特色。对小说题材的选择上,两位作家都表现出对爱情题材的执着,在对“畸恋”尤其是对同性恋的描述上具有高度的一致性。在文学体裁的发展上,两位作家在自传体小说的创作方面有共同点,都打破了年老写自传的传统,也都以自传的成功奠定了自己的文学地位;而虹影在自传体小说中采取独特的双重视角的叙事模式。在语言风格上,虹影和三岛由纪夫受到了浪漫-颓废主义流派思潮的影响,优雅而诗意的叙事中隐含着颓废的气息。在美学追求上,关注生与死,爱情与性欲、人生与命运等,在极端的生存环境之下揭示人性的真实。虹影和三岛由纪夫两位气质相近的作家,在忆和复杂的“情结”,都是非常具有争议性的作家,他们极端个人化的叙事艺术丰富了世界文学的宝库。关键词:虹影, 三岛由纪夫, 比较研究, 题材IIAbstractIn the 1980s and 1990s, different kinds of literary thoughts swarmed into China. HongYing is a very famous writer pullulating in this period and her novels are greatly affectedby the foreign literature, especially those written by Mishima Yukio, a Japanese writer ofaestheticism. The literary creation of the homosexuality theme by Mishima Yukioevidently exerted an influence upon Hong Ying's early novels. They get similar aestheticspursuit, theme choices, literature types and creation styles, but different artistic features atthe same time. As for the theme choice of the novel, both of them have the same partialityfor love themes, and share high consistency in the description of deformity love,especially the homosexual love. Concerning the development of the literature types, theyare provided mon ground on the creation of autobiography novels, break with thetradition that writers don't write the autobiography until they are old and establish theposition in the history of literature based on the ess of their autobiographiesrespectively. However, Hong Ying adopts a particular dual-visual- angle mode fornarration in her autobiography novels. In terms of the creation style, Hong Ying andMishima Yukio are both affected by thoughts of romanticism and decadence, which resultin decadent spirits in their elegant and poetic narrations. As regards the aesthetics pursuit,they are both interested in living and death, love and sex, life and destiny and so on, andreveal the truth o