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文档介绍:中文摘要I 摘要神经生物传感微阵列是以探测大脑内部神经信号的生物传感器,是微电子技术与神经生物学科重要结合。论文针对1×4神经传感微阵列的微弱电压信号,对CMOS读出电路以及神经微电极的制作进行了研究,为读出电路和神经微电极的系统集成打下基础。以神经生物传感微阵列为研究对象,了解神经微电极的基本结构及植入式方式,分析其电压输出信号的特点,根据探针电极的反应特性,建立微电极的电学模型。前置放大电路在读出电路中是非常重要的一部分。设计了基于前馈补偿技术的运算放大器。采用前馈补偿技术,避免了片上集成米勒补偿电容,同时也克服传统电路设计当中增益、带宽和相位裕度相互制约的问题,满足微电极信号低压、低功耗的要求。分析电阻反馈网络和电容反馈网络各自优缺点,选用电容反馈网络作为闭环反馈结构。由于前置放大电路放大倍数不足以对信号进行放大,故设计二次放大电路。二次放大电路采用轨对轨结构运算放大器,分析电路的基本结构,得到模拟仿真结果。同时采用电容反馈网络作为闭环反馈结构。分析读出电路的各种噪声,针对神经微电极读出电路的噪声,设计一种相关双采样电路,分析其双采样的原理,并进行模拟仿真。针对传感微阵列,需要设计数据选通器来控制微电极传感阵列单元。数据选通器由移位寄存器、反相器和传输门三部分组成。移位寄存器作为数据选通的核心部件,采用准静态CMOS移位寄存器电路结构,该结构具有使用元件少、功耗低等优点。最后给出了准静态CMOS移位寄存器和数据选通器的仿真结果。设计了一种结构简单的带隙基准电路,分析带隙基准电路的原理,并给出了仿真结果。在对读出电路进行模拟仿真之后,介绍了版图设计过程中应该注意的问题。,给出各个单元模块版图,设计了读出电路版图,并对版图进行DRC、LVS验证。最后,采用表面牺牲层技术对神经微电极的制作工艺流程进行探讨。关键词:微电极,神经信号,读出电路,前馈补偿,版图英文摘要III Abstract Abstract:The neurobiology sensing microarray for the biological sensors is used to detect brain nerve signals. It bined with microelectronics technology and neural biology. This paper targeted on the 1×4 neural sensor micro array weak voltage signal, studied the CMOS readout circuit and the fabrication of neural micro probe. It can do some prepare for integratting CMOS readout circuit and neural micro probe. This paper targeted on the neural bio-sensor micro array, introduced the basic structure of neural micro probe, and analyzed the characteristic of voltage output signal, based on the response of electrode probe, built the electrical model of micro electrode. Preamplifier circuit is an important part of readout circuit. This paper designed a preamplifier based on the feed-pensation technology. Because of tooking the feed-pensation technology, the amplifier not only avoided the influence of integrating pensation capacitor on the chip, but also solved the interaction problem during gain, bandwidth and phase margin in traditional circuit design. It is satisfied the need of low voltage, low power consumption of micro electrode signal. After analyzed the adva