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上传人:机械CAD论坛 2011/10/27 文件大小:0 KB




This examination paper consists of 3 sections:
Section A tests your mastery of English vocabulary, usage and grammar; Section B tests your ability to understand English in context; and Section C tests your prehension
Subsection Directions: Choose one of the 4 answers given in each group which best matches the underlined par.
1. Moreover, numerous examples will be found to illustrate the perils of nepotism in business.
[A] preferential treatment [B] despotism in business practice
[C] prejudice in business practice [D] excessive favor given to relatives
2. But ground zero for American nepotism will be the November election, when voters will get to decide how they feel about the proliferation of family ties in our governing class.
[A] exact point where a bomb strikes the ground
[B] starting point [C] social foundation kaoyangj
[D] origination of a tradition
3. And whether he wins or loses, we will likely hear increasing speculation about a possible dynastic face-off in 2008 between First Brother Jeb Bush and Sen . Hillary Clinton.
[A] losing face [B] confrontation between opponents
[C] damaging one’s reputation [D] hitting someone right in the face
4. The arms race became a way to measure who was winning. And since the central battlefield was quiet , both sides helped allies in their local struggles-in other words , proxy wars.
[A] mock wars [B] virtual wars
[C] unreal wars [D] wars fought for others
5. For hardheaded reasons of self-interest , most countries would join together in a global antiterrorism coalition—if the United States would try to forge one .
[A] foolish reasons [B] practical purposes
[C] clear-headed reasons [D] shrewd reasons
6. After a series of scandals going back to the J. Edgar Hoover era , many FBI brick agents thought they could not trust their own superiors. “None of the people on Mahogany Row backed up agents down the food chain when we were inve


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