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文档介绍:Thesis 明末书风嬗变现象研究Evolution of the phenomenon of the late Ming calligraphy style曹恩东Cao En dong西北师范大学美术学院二0一一年六II中文摘要本文旨在从时代大环境角度分析研究明末书风嬗变现象。首先对社会的动荡,思想的狂飙,审美的转变,书学思想、取法和风格形成四大时代文化背景作一概述,进一步从书家的书学思想、取法和风格形成,分析、比较、论证了导致这一嬗变的原因及影响。再具体从载体形式(幅式)和艺术语言(笔法,结体,章法,墨法)几个方面的表现作一详细论述,引申出他们这一时期贡献及其价值:昭示着不同程度地背离二王帖学和批判了明初以来的“台阁体”及赵、董复古书风的影响,将思潮影响书风的表现推向了历史的最高峰。必然带来书法风格史的重大变革,为推进书法历史繁荣发展作出了应有贡献和意义。关键词: 书学思想 取法 书风 嬗变 幅式 结体 章法 墨法 IIIAbstract This paper from the perspective of the environment of the times the book Late Evolution of the phenomenon of wind. First, social unrest, ideological winds, aesthetic changes, Books of, emulated and style of the formation of four times an overview of cultural background, the book home for further study from the book thinking, emulated and style formation, analysis, comparison, argumentation led to the evolution of the causes and effects. More specific form from the carrier (amplitude-type) and the artistic language (strokes, guitar body, the rules, ink) to make a performance aspects are discussed in detail, the idea that they contribute to its value during this period: different degrees of departure from the clear Second Wang Ming Calligraphy and criticized since the beginning of "Taiwan Pavilion body" and Zhao, Dong retro style of the book, the book will be thought of the performance of the wind into the historical peak. Inevitably bring about major changes in the history of calligraphy style, to promote the prosperity and development of the history of calligraphy and made due contributions and significance. Key words: Books of Change-spoke style book emulated guitar body ink art position 目 录独创性声明…………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ中文摘要……………………………………………………………………………Ⅱ Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………Ⅲ引言……………………………………………………………………………………1 1. 明末时代文化背景………………………………………………………………3 特定社会环境影响下的文人生存方式……………………………………3 特定社会环境影响下的文人心态和审美情感……………………………4 时代文艺思潮影响下的文人书风变化……………………………………5 ………………………………………7 徐渭


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