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other investments.ppt

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/1/25 文件大小:0 KB


other investments.ppt



文档介绍:Other InvestmentsBy Colin, Emily, Jordyn, and RedgyMedicare Investments (Emily)Under Obama Care:●Provide a $250 rebate to Medicare recipients that are in the coverage gap.●Also they want to decrease the coinsurance rate in Medicare Part D from 100% to 25% by Drugs (Emily)●Brand-name panies are required to give 50% discounts for seniors who fall in the Medicare Part D coverage gap. In addition to federal subsidies of 25%.●By 2020 there will be a 75% government subsidies on generic Costs (Emily)Reduce the amount an enrollee has to pay for catastrophic care by care for beneficiaries in institutions munity based care cost the Medicare to those with health conditions due environmental hazards from where they may live. Bonuses(Emily)Physicians and general surgeons in areas where health professionals are hard e by would receive a 10% pay bonus. Provide $400 million in fiscal years 2011 and 2012 to hospitals with the lowest medicare Medicare advantage plans from having a higher deductible and copay than medicare. Controversy of Medicare Expansions (Emily)In the Medicare Doughnut Hole beneficiaries as of 2016 only have to pay 45% of their brand-name prescription drug rather than 100%.With its controversy can it be repealed?Will it cost too much?Will Medicare be around for our generation?Improving workforce training and development is a major key to keeping people in the medical field. The goal was to establish a multi-stakeholder workforce mittee. The goal for this group is basically trying to get a keep more people in the medical field. Because if there is a decrease in interest for going into the medical field that will mean less and less doctors, physical therapists, nurses, the list goes on and on. Less workers in the field means that it will be harder to get an appointment. And of course it would cause prices to significantly increase for WorkforceWorkforce mittee has many jobs which inclu


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