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文档介绍:Home Next Intro Basic Shells Shell Syntax Built-mand Substitution Startup & Environment Pipes,
Lists & Redirection Input & Output Using Files Design Considerations Functions Debugging Putting It All Together
Appendix Code Examples
Shell programming was not something I wanted several users I just copied the script into their
to do from the start, it kind of crept up on me over home directory and edited a few lines and off it
the years. You know how it is, you do something went. After a few weeks, I spotted the error of my
regular enough that it gets boring and you try to ways and created a directory for scripts that could
find short cuts. Well after my first UNIX training be shared. I put the directory into everyone's path
course I went back to the office and started to and started moving scripts into this central place.
look at the support requirements and it soon By editing the scripts and putting in variables,
became obvious that to do a good job something instead of hard coded values, I found I could
had to be done regarding the overload of make them generic enough for anybody to use, as
administration on a detailed level as the system long as the user's environment contained enough
grew. Initially my scripts were small and background information for the script to pick up
dedicated , and to do the same thing for and use.
A few months down the line and I saw another What I did pick up at this time was that there was
opportunity as I was aware there was a lot of a general disliking for the C Shell in most books I
common code in most of these scripts. Why keep found. It was pointed out on numerous occasions
copying all this code when I could call it from how many bugs there were. I must admit, even
another file? Two things sprang to mind initially, the man pages themselves highlight several pages
one was the .profile, which I was already using to of bugs at the back. I was also aware that to fully
store users environment variables, th