文档介绍:列夫·托尔斯泰Leo Tolstoy,(1828-1910)Tol st oy, Leo ( 1828- 1910) , Rus s i an wr i t er and mor al philosopher, one of the world's greatest novelists. His writings profoundly influenced much of 20th-century literature, and his moral teachings helped shape the thi nki ng of several i mport ant spiritual and political l Born September 9, 1928 at YasnayaPolyana1830 Mother Dies 1837 Father Dies 1847Leaves the University of Kaza, without a degree in law, after three years1851 Volunteers for military service in the Caucuses where he writes Childhood1854 es missioned officer托尔斯泰年表1856 Retires from the military and writes Two Hussars1857 Visits Europe and writes Youth1859 Begins a school at YasnayaPolyana1860 Studies Padagogy in Europe1862 Marries Sophia AndreyevnaBehrs1863 Begins writing War and Peace1869 Finishes War and Peace托尔斯泰年表1870 Tests his own Pedagogical ideas at YasnayaPolyana1873 Begins Anna Karenina1877 Finishes Anna Karenina1878 Converted to Christianity after resolving a great internal conflict, most scholars divide his life into pre and post conversion1882 Helps with the Moscow census and writes Confession托尔斯泰年表1883 Writes What I Believe only to have it banned the next year1885 Visits the Crimea and writes; Where Love is God is and How Much Land does a Man Need1886 Finishes The Death of Ivan Ilycha and What then Should We Do1889 Finishes The KruetzerSonnota1891 Renounces copyrights and divides property among family members托尔斯泰年表1895 Son Ivan dies - writes Master and Man1898 Writes What is Art and Father Sergius1899 Finishes Resurrection 1901 municated from the Russian Church1902 Returns to YasnayaPolyana and finishes What is Religion1903 Writes Three Questions 托尔斯泰年表1904 Writes Bethink Yourselves in protest of the Russo-Japanese war 1905 Writes Alyosha the Pot 1906 Daughter Masha dies1908 Writes I can Not be Silent 1909 Serious quarrels with his wife1910 Passes away at a sm