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文档介绍:摘要I杭州养老商业化运作研究摘要目前,我国已进入老龄化社会,并老龄人口呈现加速扩大趋势,传统的家庭养老已不能满足老龄人群的多样化养老需求。随着杭州人口老龄化高龄化日益严重,越来越多的老年人选择到养老机构度过晚年。近年来,随着老年人口的剧增,杭州原有的养老机构已不能满足老年人的需求,需要养老模式的创新和发展。本文将养老模式分为家庭养老、公益性养老和商业化养老三种养老模式,研究的重点是杭州机构养老的商业化运作。本文首先通过对杭州养老需求进行分析,结合目前杭州养老商业化运作的案例,总结出养老商业化运作中存在的问题,并对养老商业化运作提出发展思路、发展原则和和建议对策。本文提出的新型商业化养老将有效地缓解杭州面临的养老需求压力,并为今后我国养老服务业的发展提供理论支持和借鉴。关键词:老龄化,商业化养老,养老模式AbstractIIIResearch mercial Operation of Hangzhou EndowmentAbstractCurrently, China has entered the aging society, with the accelerated expansion trend of the aging population. The traditional family endowment cannot satisfy the diversified pension needs of elderly people. The tendency of Hangzhouold-aging population is ing more fast and most of old age is considering some pension institutions as a choice of enjoying their lives. In recent years, with the increasing of old-aged population, Hangzhou original pension institutions cannot achievethe demand of old-aging population, so we need to innovate and develop the pension paper analysis the pension model can be divided into three patterns, family endowment, non-profit endowment and institutional endowment. The paper focuses on mercial pension of Hangzhou. Firstly, we are going to analysis the needs of Hangzhou endowment. Next, to connect with mercial operation case, then to sum up the development problems and suggests mercial operation model in Hangzhou. The mercial pension can relieve the pressure of Hangzhou pension effectively, and to provide theoretical support and reference for the future development of aged people service : mercial pension,Pension model目录V目录第1章绪论................................................................................................. 研究背景与意义.................................................................................. 国内外研究综述.................................................................................. 国内相关研究综述.....................................................................21.