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文档介绍:*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Unigarden. Unigarden respects the intellectual property rights of others. THE CORE OF UNIGARDEN我们的远景/使命/价值观*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Unigarden. Unigarden respects the intellectual property rights of others. 文化建设规划与步骤?搭建和完善企业文化系统框架,在培养凝聚力、提高员工对价值观的基本理解等方面初步达成共识,工作初见成效?企业文化建设对于UNIGARDEN 价值观的形成维护和员工满意度的提高起到明显成效?企业文化建设为企业发展与规范管理起到明显的支撑带动和推进作用2009年-2010年2010年-2011年2012年及以后*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Unigarden. Unigarden respects the intellectual property rights of others. 我们的核心理念我们的未来行业标杆,世界品牌。品位设计,品味生活。成为品质、品格、品位的代名词。装饰精品,世界品牌。我们的人才观产品就是人品说到做到,只讲功劳。勇担责任,严己宽人我们忠诚使命,目标明确,全力以赴,永不言败。我们的使命让客户“越品味,越品位”让员工“我家尚,我骄傲”为客户创造价值,在行业树立标杆。让家尚人以家尚为荣。我们注重环保,热心公益,回报社会。我们的共同利益我与大我的平衡。向市场要发展,向业绩要薪酬。以客户为中心,追求消费者\客户\股东\员工\供应商\社会的共同利益。*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written c


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