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文档介绍:赣南采茶舞蹈“三大表演技巧”与舞蹈演员性格化训练研究I摘要在舞台表演艺术中,人物性格表现的饱满与否往往是演员成熟与否的试金石。作为舞台表演艺术的一种,舞蹈艺术同样存在这样的问题。然而,相比较其他舞台表演艺术,舞蹈作为用肢体为表现载体的一门艺术,在性格表现上,显然具有明显的弊端。她不能像话剧、演唱一样,直观地把演员的心理诉求呈现在舞台,传达给观众。因此,在种种弊端面前,舞蹈演员性格化训练始终处于一种寻求探索的阶段,寻找一种切合于舞蹈表演艺术的性格化训练成了舞蹈演员提升其综合表演能力的关键点。在寻求方法的同时,我们会发现,在我国各类的民族民间舞蹈中,由于其地域、文化、人文品性的不同,所体现的舞蹈性格也截然不同。在众多的民族民间舞蹈中,赣南采茶舞蹈因其独特的地域、文化等特征,具有很典型的人物性格特征,尤其是其以“矮子步”、“单袖筒”、“扇子花”为主体的“三大表演技巧”具有浓郁的“丑”的人物性格体现,在我国众多民间舞蹈中独树一帜。如何让这种具有典型性格化特征的舞蹈类型有效地为舞蹈演员性格化训练提供服务成为本论文的旨意。关键词:赣南采茶舞蹈;三大表演技巧;舞蹈演员;性格化训练云南艺术学院硕士学位论文IIAbstractIn the art of stage performances, the touchstone of the maturity of performers lies in whether the characteristics of different roles can be displayed fully and totally before audiences. It is also true of dancing art, one kind of stage performances. However, compared with other stage arts, dancing, carried out by physical performances, shows its disadvantage apparently in displaying characteristics of roles, which is unlikely to present psychological subtleties straightly before audiences like drama or singing. Therefore, with such a disadvantage, what is always in quest for is training in characterization of dancers while the key to improving prehensive abilities of performing is to seek a suitable training in characterization for dancing , all sorts of Chinese folk dances express entirely different characteristics due to geographical , cultural and humanistic typical characteristics because of its particularregion and culture,Gannan tea-picking dance from South Jiangxi Province, in which three major performance skills based on dwarf step , single-sleeve and fan-like flower fully represent personalities of ugly characters, is unique among other Chinese folk dances. This thesis focuses on how the dances with typical characteristics are effectively applied to training in characterization for dancers Key words:Gannan tea-picking dance;three major performance skills; dancer;training i