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A Call to Arms - Ellsworth munity School:使命召唤-埃尔斯沃思无线社区学校....ppt

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A Call to Arms - Ellsworth munity School:使命召唤-埃尔斯沃思无线社区学校....ppt

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A Call to Arms - Ellsworth munity School:使命召唤-埃尔斯沃思无线社区学校....ppt



文档介绍:A Call to ArmsChapter 5: Section 3?September 1774?55 delegates from all the colonies except ia?Political body to represent American interests and challenge British control?Delegates included: Samuel Adams, John Adams, John Jay, Richard Henry Lee, and e WashingtonContinental Congress?Called for the repeal of 13 acts of Parliament?Believed these laws violated the “laws of nature, the principles of the English constitution, and the several charters” of the colonies?Boycott British trade?No British goods could be used in the colonies?No colonial goods could be sold to BritainDecisions of the Continental Congress?Called on the people of the county to arm themselves against the British?Militias are formed?Militia: Group of citizen soldiersSuffolk Resolves?New England was thought to be the site where war would begin?panies in Massachusetts held training sessions, made bullets, and stockpiled weapons?Minutemen?Militias which would be ready to fight in a minute’s noticeThe First Battles?April 1775?Several thousand British soldiers were in Boston?Instructions to take away weapons and arrest leaders of the Massachusetts militia?700 British troops march to Concord (20 miles from Boston) to destroy weapons cacheBritain Sends Troops?April 18, 1775?Paul Revere and William Dawes ride to Lexington to warn Samuel Adams and John HancockAlerting the Colonists?Lexington?British redcoats discover 70 minutemen waiting on the mon?8 minutemen die?British continue their march toward Concord?Concord?British destroy some supplies?Most had been removed before the British arrived?Minutemen force the British to turn back to BostonLexington and Concord


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