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Adidas - Oregon State University:阿迪达斯-俄勒冈州立大学.ppt

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Adidas - Oregon State University:阿迪达斯-俄勒冈州立大学.ppt

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/1/29 文件大小:0 KB


Adidas - Oregon State University:阿迪达斯-俄勒冈州立大学.ppt



文档介绍:AdidasMeagon BellErnie PearmineJeff TomastikHistory? 1949 adidas is founded - adidas is registered as pany, named after its founder: 'Adi' from Adolf and 'Das' from Dassler.? 1995 Adidas goes public –Publicly traded on the Stock Exchange in Frankfurt and Paris? 2006 Adidas acquires Reebok –e petitive with Nike and Puma. Revenue rose from $ billion in 2005 to $ billion in 2006The Adidas GroupAdidasReebok panyTaylormade panyMaxfli Golf BallsValues of AdidasWe are consumer focused and therefore we continuously improve the quality, look, feel and image of our products and anizational structures to match and exceed consumer expectations and to provide them with the highest value. We are innovation and design leaders who seek to help athletes of all skill levels achieve peak performance with every product we bring to market. We are a anization that is socially and environmentally responsible, creative and financially rewarding for our employees and shareholders. We mitted to continuously strengthening our brands and products to improve petitive position. We are dedicated to consistently delivering outstanding financial ?Second largest sports pany world wide?Brand recognition- 3 Stripes?High quality equipment?Impact and Size after Acquisitions ?SponsorshipsAreas for Improvements


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