文档介绍:INSTITUTE OFPHYSICSPUBLISHINGMODELLING ANDSIMULATION INMATERIALSSCIENCE ANDENGINEERINGModelling Simul. Mater. Sci. (2005) 1029–1046doi:-0393/13/7/002Research on plastic deformation behaviour in coldring rolling by FEM numerical simulationLianggang Guo, He Yang and Mei ZhanCollege of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University,PO Box 542, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, People’s Republic of ChinaE-mail:******@ 8 April 2005, in ?nal form 1 June 2005Published 30 August 2005Online atstacks./MSMSE/13/1029AbstractCold ring rolling is an advanced plex metal forming process undercoupled effects with multi-factors, such as geometry sizes of rolls and ringblank, material, forming parameters, friction, etc. Investigating the plasticdeformation behaviour (the plastic deformation state andits development) in thedeformation zone during the process is very signi?cant for rapidly predictingthe metal ?ow, controlling the quality of deformed rings and optimizing thecold ring rolling process. In this paper, a decisive factor on plastic deformationbehaviour, namely the average amount of feed per revolution?h, has ?rstlybeen ascertained. Then a functional relation, between?hand various processparameters, has been nowestablished. Lastly, through 3Dnumerical simulationbased onthe elastic–plastic dynamicexplicit FEMunder the ABAQUSsoftwareenvironment, it has been found that there are three kinds of plastic deformationbehaviours during cold ring rolling operation. One is that the material in thedeformation zone es into the plastic deformation state at the earlystage of the process. Two is that the material in the deformation zone es into the plastic deformation state during the process. And last is thatat the end of the process, there is still a rigid zone in elastic deformation orsmall plastic strain state near the middle radius of the ring blank. Based onthis, the in?uence of plastic deformation behaviours o