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How To Use This Courseware
To view this course online:
Explorer: A scroll bar is provided for navigation. Do not use the back button in the browser or it will take you back to the start of the course. To best view the course, right-click the first slide and choose Full Screen.
Netscape: The course will open up in PowerPoint. Choose View > Slide Show or press F5 to start the course.
To view the Speaker Notes:
Right-click the slide and choose Speaker Notes.
To access the Table of Contents:
Click the button to return to the Table of Contents.
Change Record
Number: Description of Change
Entered By
Course Mission Statement
This course provides an overview of concepts encountered within a training environment and instructs the trainee on techniques and skills required for being an effective trainer and facilitator within the classroom.
Terminal Objectives
At pletion of this course, the trainee will be able to:
Identify and describe a learning process, learning styles, and learner characteristics
Identify and apply appropriate training styles for the training environment
Apply appropriate presentation skills to ensure munication and essful training delivery
Develop facilitation skills to monitor trainees’ participation, obtain feedback, and improve performance in the classroom
Identify and apply the techniques provided in managing the classroom
Table of Contents
Introduction to Train-the Trainer
Lesson 1: Learning Styles
Lesson 2: Trainers & Adult Learners
Lesson 3: Presentation Skills
Lesson 4: Facilitation Skills
Lesson 5: Classroom Management
Course Review
Introduction to Train-the-Trainer
Styles in Training
Presentation and Facilitation
Presentation skills involves the ability municate effectively course content.

Facilitation skills involve the ability to coach, guide, and motivate the trainee prehending course content.
Managing Classrooms
Classroom management addresses a number of areas:


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